LINCS LITTLE HENS - Rehomed hens
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Rehomed hens
This is the best part about retiring these hens. Seeing photo's sent by their new owners of them and looking at them blooming.
The hens below belong to Sue Hayward-Ault. Don't they look happy?

This picture is of Rian and one of his hens. Rian is a farmer of the future, and frequently goes off on his toy tractor with trailer full of hen supplies to their allotment. The family loved their hens so much, they got more for the garden too!

Here is Mini with her Amber Link retired laying hens. Mini also keep Pekins and is dedicated to all poultry and also her and her brothers' Aylesbury ducks. Her chickens are the first thing she thinks of upon waking up and the last thing at night, she has to put them to bed (or she goes ballistic) A true hen keeper of the future. I'm not sure whether she will be a rescuer or breeder of fancy poultry but then she is only 7.